
Net Changsha,,scarpe hogan, December 7 (Xiaoxiang Morning roll reporter Genghong Ren) "outrageous, this is disrespectful to the dead!" On the 7th, one entitled "Chongqing Medical University discovered" play dead woman,peuterey outlet, "" posts People in Red Net and other online forums and heat Source: Shenzhen Satellite TV "30 noon" Biography, Post incidental multiple photos, some boys and girls who look like,moncler outlet, hand-held human bones in a sample indoor shot put juggle,louboutin femme pas cher,, this spoof cause Many netizens questioned think this is the desecration of the deceased, see chilling, there is a good thing users want to search out human flesh,hogan interactive, of course, there are users think this can be seen as medical students of the dead, "an intimate."

Net posts exposed Chongqing Medical University discovered "play dead woman"

Photo shows several young men and women who look like students wearing robes, in a room filled with specimens, some armed with human skull on his head, some carrying a skeleton juggling and playing a variety of positions within the classroom , smile-filled, as well as people holding camera equipment in the camera, unaware what is wrong, and these people did not wear gloves and booties, behind a variety of bones, and a blue curtain, very Herbarium might be a bone of Medicine.

Posted in the post laments, "Is now the time to the students of Medicine first class does not teach students respect for life? How can one not respect even the corpse of medical workers, how can the patient as their loved ones medical care, it would mean that the patient's treatment as do kids picnic? actually put the bones in the body as an instrument to play posing to show that they are medical students? was watching Pirates of the Caribbean to see more show his tough ? "

Post then says, "If, after such students graduate, engaged in medical work, you are willing to let him heal physical illness? If a group of students after graduation, and that you are willing to give your loved ones to let them heal physical illness it? if every medical school students are like this, the whole of society as well as how many people dare to go the hospital do? each person's life is dignified, even if it is a death row after he was executed, his body should have dignity. "

User: This can eliminate the fear of the human skeleton

"Dare skull so close to him,louboutin pas cher femme, in the future we will not abandon patients,nike tn pas cher,, compared to those students who turn away from the skull is much better." Excuse as there are users do not have to fuss, when a corpse enters the dissection room, doctors, medical school Students also when the man if, somewhat horror, learning will not be able to proceed, each corpse in the dissecting room just be seen as a tool for students holding a bone to play, only to say that the students have a bad attitude. Respect for the bones and avoid what does not fear the way, these two can not be mixed together to think otherwise, it is difficult to learn and work carried out.

Post-person medical students want to learn a lesson

7 pm,, Xiaoxiang Morning News rolling news reporter by telephone contact person on the post,, "Matt Damon,tn pas cher homme," he surnamed Lu, president of Guangdong Huizhou department of a hospital, the photo was taken from the hospital care nurses friend's QQ space of , suspected of Chongqing Medical University students to get a really human bones, while in the past most of the medical staff are very kind to the old life, when students in teacher lesson on autopsy will teach students to respect life, respect for the body.

Lu while feeling that, I do not know now after 90 medical students in the end is how to do so too speak of decency, but he also believes that the parties take into account the possible harm, such as students coming to study, employment has adverse influence, so it is not far to disclose more information about the QQ space,, saying it might be a common phenomenon, is now sent to the Internet just to remind medical students should know how to respect.

School parties: no one answered the phone unknowingly run

7 December afternoon,woolrich outlet roma, Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter tried to scroll through the school learned that the relevant circumstances, Chongqing Medical Branch a staff member said the Senate know, let find the principal's office, and the principal's office two phone all afternoon has no answer.

Medical workers: medical students into herbarium is the process

"This is all there is flow, playing bones certainly should not!" 7 pm, Xiaoxiang Morning News rolling news reporter interviewed a hospital in Jinan,woolrich outlet, Shandong Dr. Xu, general into medical school, he said Herbarium are strictly regulated in If you must wear a white coat, gloves, real time operation of these bones are the remains silent on the need to express respect, holding the bones of the deceased spoof is obvious insult and blasphemy, because these bones are all basically true.

In addition,, the Hunan Changsha Xiangya Hospital, Dr. Qin mention his past when he was studying the situation, "in student learning, we will take sterile gloves, because some specimens still have residual bacteria, used to preserve corpses protection solution (Formalin) is corrosive, in this process is to pay tribute to the deceased must have, and the source of his body is substantially donation, purchase or unclaimed nameless corpse and so on.

(Editor's Note: The latest news,,parka woolrich,)