Men row drunk driving after police team claimed to

'is that the child hit the dizzy wine', so I pay attention to the point,mulberry uk, do not let the other run . "Fang took out the phone,hollister france, going to the police,louboutin homme pas cher, at this time, that the name of a small square of alcohol guy came around. "He told me not to the police,, let me remember his phone number, he and I are compounding." The other side did not disclose the names and other information, leaving only a phone number. Small parties do not worry,, insisted the police. "Face in front of the police, he said plenty of money to be compounding, let me insist on waiting for the police." Fang said. After the police received a small square,, incident handling and other police DAI Guang-ming immediately rushed to the scene, but was obstructed in law enforcement, DAI Guang-ming subsequent feedback to the 110 command center, a short while, and special patrol rushed to the scene disposal. Police use video to record all the scenes. Video display, a small square of drunk driving were identified to the police said that although it was his car,, but he did not drive. However, he is the only one who was near the vehicle. When the police asked him to produce the formalities denied. The man said: "There a two hundred brothers are waiting for it." Then they danced in the street dance hip twist,, who are not allowed to yell moving his car. Police patrol with the accident the driver took the suspect to the police for alcohol content testing, to drunken standards. Blood samples were drawn after the police, which was brought to the accident investigation brigade inquiry room,mulberry bags sale, the man became agitated and repeatedly stressed their identity and background. According to this man declared, "I'm the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce × × I × × length to make a phone call,magasin hollister, there is an acquaintance I mentioned above." Police video showed the man entangled in the inquiry,chaussures louboutin pas cher femme,, asked police to return the vehicle immediately. After police investigators refused to back man, who picked up the cup on the table toward his head smashed on the vehicle,hogan outlet on line, then took the broken cup waving. Police immediately stepped forward to stop it. Man with head and hit the glass door on the file, and then jumped up and hit the wall of the "incident handling process,," the bezel. Then,chaussures louboutin, the man holding the glass everywhere and waving, the glass cross in his neck, the police threatened to commit suicide over the police intercepted. Its control, such as the police, the police DAI Guang-ming face is all blood. Subsequently, the reporter came to the city traffic police brigade accident inquiry room scene. I saw the inquiry room is a mess, and some blood. Wall hanging "incident handling process," "Ask" and other articles of association, articles of association on the bezel has been broken. Injured police DAI Guang-ming, currently in Fuyang trauma hospital. "We have a report,hogan outlet, because I was a party matter, I can not talk,, I suggest you interview the police handling of the case." DAI Guang-ming face with multiple wounds. Dr Chan said the hospital, the injured face,chaussures louboutin, hands many scratches, a total of nine sewing needles,mulberry sale shop york, "the forehead there is a deep and long,sito ufficiale hogan, the periosteum has been hurt." 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the man of blood Inspection results showed that blood alcohol content was 204.2mg/100ml. It is reported that the blood alcohol content of 80mg/100ml is drunk driving. Currently, the police have been involved in the investigation Ying-chuen, a man Zi has been controlled. (Original title: Men's drunk driving after police team checked row Fuyang claiming to have background)