
December 13, by the Fudan University students, alumni and staff of the school expedition, when the Huangshan mountain climbing expedition lost alarm. Subsequently, the media and members of the public questioned the sacrifice is too cold for the police. Climbers on the network were questioning the moral and gradually broke "Fudan media relations" and other words, questioning the upgrade, known as "Huangshan door."
Source: Dragon TV "Oriental afternoon news."
In a whirlpool of 18 people rescued downhill after what has been done? They experienced a kind of a mental process? How do they face such opinion and condemnation? Yesterday, the reporter involved in the dialogue of this expedition leader. □ reporter Zhang Han in Beijing

Hou hope

Huangshan expedition convenor, Fudan University, 2009 Master's graduates, 18 people leader.

After the "Huangshan" incident occurred, he was human flesh search, receive various abusive text messages and phone. He as 18 personal representatives, interviews with the media.

[People] dialogue

"Subconsciously hope nobody died."

Beijing News: hiking in distress, the police involved in the rescue of the sacrifice, and then some of your performance was accused, after these few days of controversy, the mood is calm down a bit?

Hou hope: a little better, now is the hope that the old couple (sacrifice police Zhang Ninghai parents) do a good job.

Beijing News: This time you still have teammates, should all kind of suffering,http://bbs.zayoo.cn:8087/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2737132,nike tn, you are a kind of mental process?

Hou hope: Huangshan was back from Monday (December 13) two in the morning until Wednesday evening, I did not sleep a wink. Just returned to Shanghai, then listen to the views of psychotherapists, try not to think about what happens when the case.

Beijing News: No wink, what did you want to get the most?

Hou hope: As a leader,hogan outlet roma, I pressed the team (the team behind the protection or supervision) pak was doing more of a summary of technical problems. Why would such a thing out,hogan outlet, we in the end what kind of errors committed, the police should these issues. Was thinking mostly living lesson, but did not think the disappearance of a life.

We have some psychological implications, there is a police deliberately to avoid the fact that our sacrifice. Subjective dare to think,air max classic pas cher, dare to talk. I heard someone say that we do not squeak, very cold,http://www.sanhaomen.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=4371, and I admit that I pressed the attitude of some of the problems the team pak.

Beijing News: You said an attitude problem, did not dare to think about it,chaussure tn pas cher, that's what kind of reason?

Hou hope: one is that we go back to school,basket air max pas cher, teacher counseling for us, so that we do not think about this thing, calm down. Also, I think we are afraid to face the facts of life disappear.

Beijing News: Why would not dare to face?

Hou hope: a person's life because we lost. We were also afraid to take on this responsibility, always feel subconsciously hope nobody died.

Beijing News: When did you really realize that a human life lost problem?

Hou hope: Wednesday evening,http://www.253100.cc/read.php?tid=692028&ds=1, I received a telephone Zhang Ninghai families. I said, here are what the family's request, I certainly do. Their attitude is very tolerant, I hope not too much pressure on us. They just want to know some details of the death of Ninghai, Ninghai was where to go, what kind of clothes to wear, slip under what circumstances, there is no call, and what the last sentence saying.

That these issues, suddenly I suddenly recalled the circumstances. I truly realized that a life so gone, I never dared to think, suddenly broke out.

I think it is from that time began to realize that the problem of life. I began to reflect on the beginning of repentance, began to think of how to do something for the old couple.

Beijing News: From then willing to face this thing?

Hou hope: I later went to Zhang Ninghai's memorial service. At the scene, I saw Zhang Ninghai mother, I said, "We are your children 18 people, you are our mother." Zhang Ninghai's mother was already sad speechless, but she still stick with my face to the face,http://www.web-display.com/index.php?item/create_form/14, pulled me up.

Out of the memorial site,hogan outlet online, we begin to face the media. Because we lose one life, we need to assume this responsibility. I refused several media interviews,http://bbs.szzqfw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3011489, because I told them untrue very dissatisfied.

This morning, I realized that we did not need to blame the media and heroic indifference to compare. If we say that we do not do this comparison we can educate, and learn the heroic deeds that can defuse hostility point of the community, I think we can accept it. And lack of commitment and responsibility on the student's education, they can better educate people.

"We need to do is action rather than excuse"

Beijing News: Why did choose this climbing route?

Hou hope: Because this is a mature route. And last year, our friends with 28 people in the case of a guided walk. For me the place ill-considered, I think of it, such as accident reports afterwards.

Beijing News: Under what circumstances are you for help?

Hou hope: for help we had was a collective decision, because it was already trapped.

Beijing News: Everyone wants to know when the situation Zhang Ninghai accident.

Hou hope: the details of the accident was Zhang Ninghai time, I do not want to talk, do not want to cause any misunderstanding. I think the next few days after the accident report came out, there will be a more clear view.

Beijing News: I know the police fall, what was your reaction?

Hou hope: Because I do not know who is the beginning,hogan outlet sito ufficiale, I immediately let the number of players reported to confirm the identity. Later learned was a policeman were killed, my mind went blank. My teammates and know the situation in the rain has been silent until dawn. Some of his teammates in the back, do not know the exact situation.

Beijing News: After the downhill, you move caused some doubts,http://www.chcmp.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=13453, for example, when the attitude of silence?

Hou hope: we are down, the school and the police want us to be able to quickly return to Shanghai. We asked to see the remains of the victims of the police, the body was transported down the mountain we were waiting at the door scenic, waited forty minutes in the rain, our clothes are all wet.

In the process of waiting, because the cold, there are players hand in your pocket. But after the body arrived after us, no one hand in your pocket. We were in the bow, how to bow hand in your pocket? There is also a girl knelt in front of the remains.

I hope we do not take our indifference to the media equivalent of a martyr's indifference, we really do not. Our heroes and their families to write a letter of apology to write a letter of thanks for hero units, have been selectively blind.

Also, we did eat after a moment of silence, but experienced an accident, we really hungry.

Beijing News: After the downhill, where do you think it inappropriate?

Hou hope: the medical staff it. I may feel the body no problem, after checking the body intact, it smiled gratefully. Did not have time to realize that a loss of life.

Beijing News: Now all kinds of pressure on you,mulberry outlet 2014, it was said, the rescued students should not bear so much moral condemnation and pressure?

Hou hope: that we should go to assume a variety of criticisms and accusations,escarpins louboutin, they should do something.

Beijing News: There are many different theories, for example, it was afterwards to discuss how to do media relations at Fudan University bbs?

Hou hope: We have 18 people who have not been discussed.

Beijing News: But eventually the pressure on you.

Hou hope: I think we have to do now is action, not defense.

"Each team member must have served"

Beijing News: accident after returning to Shanghai, you have 18 people together to discuss how to face this thing over?

Hou hope: After more than two in the morning on Tuesday, returned to Shanghai, began to reflect and summarize. I want to wait for me and the team summed up well the pressure reconvene everyone together back to find Zhang Ninghai parents go to confession,http://www.rdllw.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=560494, go to Thanksgiving. Written summary of Wednesday and Thursday to attend a memorial service on the back of Huangshan, and Friday we touched the head.

Beijing News: Do you represent 18 people wrote letters of apology letters that describe their own time, with a "shameless", "selfish and arrogant", "expansion ignorant," these words are you affected by the coerced and do some online speech ?

Hou hope: This letter was drafted by me, on behalf of our 18 individual attitudes, these words I feel nothing excessive. A lot of people texting criticize, I know a lot of things online,Scarpe hogan outlet, I did not see, I think we move the network has not been affected too much speech.

Beijing News: You are searching human flesh, a lot of people called curse you, how you are going to bear these?

Hou hope: I will take every call, for fear of missing family members on the phone.

Beijing News: For those abuse, how do you see?

Hou hope: I want to call or send text messages to various scold me, mind is good, they did not live to hear the case described by others. After our apology and explanation, it was also send text messages to comfort me,hogan, and I thank them.

Beijing News: Are you an apology letter comes in your arrogance, refers to what?

Hou hope: the route to prepare our little arrogant, does not take into account the risk of exploration time.

Beijing News: the whole thing, and what do you think is the biggest mistake?

Hou hope: We made a irreparable mistake, we did not dare to face a fact of life disappear.

Beijing News: Now how mental states of other players?

Hou hope: I and Xiao Tang attended a memorial service in Huangshan back and found all of them are waiting for the two of us. We make decisions together, each team should have to play, to have mental capacity. I now hope is that the players, especially students in the school, can quietly through this period.

Beijing News: the whole thing, what do you think is the biggest lesson and inspiration?

Hou hope: The biggest lesson is that people do not have it. Revelation is that they wanted to do outdoor activities, and friends must pay attention to risk, control risk.

Beijing News: Zhang Ninghai sacrifice for it already?

Hou hope: We have 18 people decided to go to fundraising. In addition, Zhang Ninghai secondary schools, the establishment of a scholarship Zhang Ninghai, so heroic deeds can educate more people. Thirdly, we will lead the establishment of "Memorial Ninghai" organization.

I also hope that the media can continue to pay attention,http://www.811118.com/?action-viewcomment-type-tynublog-itemid-46768, we do this thing oversight.