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Exchange: A villager after the demolition of housing for some reason,http://www.xt748.com/news/html/?94916.html, if you have no money to re-build a house, you can find B villagers consultations will Murakami awarded to transfer to his new homestead B villagers, the villagers replaced the old homestead B, then A can be moved B villagers live, B with A villager is allocated to his new homestead,hogan 2014, build their own homes.

A color Yangzonghai CMC Tangchi village town situated on the Xiaojiang, 2003 in order to avoid disaster, the implementation of dilapidated village relocation of villagers MO Kai Cheung other villagers living in the home is 7 years. Today, he lives in this village home is also facing relocation, MO Kai Cheung had embarked on the relocation of the road again ......

Andrew opened the year with Mo village cadres oral agreement has been changed twice. Incumbent village cadres think Mo Xiang families open individual cases, but in 2003 that the relocation of a lapse of long,http://www.venus0nline.com/clan-slayers/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?156480.post, intermediate and for a two-village. Therefore, he will eventually go, the village has not yet given an answer. Currently, more than a dozen peaceful open Mo needed again relocated villagers do not know where to go.

Helpless: geological disasters led to the relocation dispute

A color village A village group of villagers color Mo Xiang stood open before seven years lived a very dilapidated tenements of melancholy: "2003 says dangerous move, I was transferred here, and now you want to move, I have to go? "Despite the dilapidated house behind him, but it does not belong to him, now headed reluctantly back the land use rights,hogan, he once again homeless.

This is the MO Kai Cheung second homeless. Since 2008 Tangchi 4.3 earthquake occurred, the Arab village of color made in the last year and again the villagers dangerous move. This time, MO Kai Xiong Mei Xiang live audio and home also facing relocation, but bear beautiful sound you want to recover their homestead and house. Bear beautiful sound that was arranged Mo village cadres opened another one who admitted her peaceful home, and her family to build a house using a specific homestead who do not know. "Now Murakami them two tone, I said I want our house." Bear beautiful sound adds a few households in the village as well as other people in similar situations, is also facing homelessness.

A color Tangchi village is situated on the Xiaojiang fault, because naturally produce large amounts of dangerous landslides, 2003, A color relocation village for the first time. Village was allocated a portion of the village collective land for the relocation of villagers, as well as part of the cover of the households can not afford a house in the village which will be transposed to the relative safety of the village below, not of the people living in dilapidated buildings, and poor households homestead is swapped give people what they want to live. The dispute led to today,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, was the relocation of the village mobilized only made a verbal agreement with the villagers. In order to work with Murakami, MO Kai Xiang did not enter into any agreement to agree to move, and Murakami just relocated to bear his beautiful sound home, and then it has no one to talk to him about the old house and the new homestead approving the compensation issue. Villagers opened with Mo Xiong Mei Xiang live sound house, also confirmed his words, the villagers had been demolished a large brick house in the village, the foundation allocated to them do not know to whom.

Villagers in the hands of a lot of land use permit or an old homestead house. MO Kai Cheung presented a "rural collective land use permit," the user of the land above the column, MO Kai Cheung clearly states the name, use is residential, with an area of ​​59.55 square meters. This land use permit or 2001 after the removal of the village ready to send someone to measure, and now it has been nearly 60 square meters of residential land planted with crops, MO Kai Xiang did not know where they would go to move.

"At that time the village said temporary turnaround, after re-adjust and now we have no money to build a house to the ground, give our exchange about." Open Cheung Mo said he was not given directly to the village homestead plan, the subsidy also did not take a point to.

For the dispute before the relocation, the incumbent party secretary He Baoqing said, which was previously the village cadres old things, from Murakami has never been seen since replaced the two village cadres. They can stop it. However,scarpe hogan outlet, some villagers but they reflect, in 2003 the relocation of the grants that are not public, some villagers get relocation grants, but some have been kept in the dark.

Strange: subsidies but without the name on the roster?

After the 2003 batch of dangerous move, A color not only clear the divided village homestead, relocation grants are also issuing undisclosed sum nobody knows for sure. Obviously affected families but can not get the money,air jordan pas cher, really get grants and do not know the name and number.

Villagers Chang Yun-hong was opened in 2003 with Mo Xiang move down together. He explained that at the time, said the money to build a house,http://www.cclchinese.com/?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-7963, so it agreed to exchange. "When Murakami said that the deployment of mutual exchange, mutual non Zhaobu, their home ground this belongs to us, our old land allocated to him, he can use us to cover old ground for a new house,chaussures nike tn pas cher chine, which is interchangeable homestead the. "Chang Yun-hong said, in 2003 moved down more than 100, did not belong to the exchange of written contract, they did not get home relocation grants.

Soil was placed in a three lived in the house for seven years, China's universal family,http://www.qhembaclub.com/supesite//?action-viewcomment-type-demand-itemid-232, originally did not get a penny relocation grants,http://csicorphost.net/classifieds/item/256493, while the villagers Hetian Xi, Li Qiong even,mulberry uk, so the villagers suffered the same MO Vientiane. Mo Vientiane daughter said that before the change to the homestead but now they live in this household. Originally she was sure he has a "real estate license", the result is still out and MO Kai Cheung same old house land use permit, registration date above 2001.

If these affected families in the village did not get carried swap homestead grants, then built a new house in a new homestead home of Yangcheng Ying did not get the same subsidies. One is "hidden closure" for many years "A color easily relocate the village housing project grants roster",Scarpe hogan outlet, the clear record,hogan outlet, the relocation of 120, the total amount of 650,000 yuan subsidy. This roster dated April 5, 2005, it is after the 2003 Arab-color dilapidated village relocation grants distributed to the villagers of books. Its cover stamped with the official seal "Yiliang County Tangchi A color villagers' committees" have been Tangchi town government personnel considered valid. Yiliang County Land Resources Bureau confirmed that the removal of dilapidated buildings in rural areas due to geological disasters caused more or less government grants.

Did not get a penny of subsidy Mo Mo open and peaceful Vientiane name actually impressively on this roster, in the fifth line of the first 12 rows, clearly records the MO Kai Cheung family three people get 23,000 yuan, Mo Vientiane family four people get 26,000 yuan subsidy amount, and there are personal signature and fingerprints. Followed by remarks column shows the "built by the collective cover." In this roster, the subsidy "was built by the collective cover," notes the villagers are basically obtained more than $ 20,000, a few thousand dollars, compared with the other villagers.

MO Kai Cheung to be sure, had never seen him before this roster, but is not signed by fingerprints. "I remember the year Ah-colored village secretary through whom the 2003 relocation because of economic problems in jail." Informed sources said while the town government for the relocation of the situation last year, they do not understand, A color dilapidated village relocation is to skip town on the county docking.

Pain: This time we turn to move to where?

A color dilapidated village did not identify the 2009 relocation program. Only issued a 2002 Tangchi government to "A village on the A-color color dilapidated village group relocation referrals," A color is located in the village A group of villagers Mid color,http://www.pvpdemocrats.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=564610, is an earthquake-prone areas uninhabitable, involved in the village 306 120,scarpe hogan, 9377.48 square meters of houses appeared wall cracking, tilt, etc., and thus, in the middle of the street is the relocation of the second row of houses above the range of 120 households, tenements area in 2001 awarded land use permit area shall prevail. The 120 and the number of "subsidy roster" on the match, the villagers in the hands of the land use right certificates have been proven to be an old homestead certificate.

He Baoqing village secretary relocation program only in 2009 did a brief introduction, rural relocation is not the same with the city, the village set aside a homestead that end, the need to relocate the villagers under the old area of ​​the house swap. Homestead and 4 by 4 or more people or less divided villagers in four points with less than 90 square meters,http://bbs.ggcoin.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1140986&extra=,nike tn pas cher, with more than 4 120 square meters planned. If the area is smaller than the new homestead, the foundation needs to pay fees. Relocation of villagers, there is a "for street construction and water costs",air jordan femme, the amount of 20 yuan / square meter, 90 square meters of area if necessary to pay 1,800 yuan. Villagers relocation subsidy is 10,000 yuan per household and the need to demolish the old house after receiving.

Tangchi land management official said, Ah-colored village dilapidated village relocation program is self-given, they only submit a geological assessment report. This report by the Kunming University of assessment reports submitted include: A color village group Relocation Project geological hazard assessment manual and Relocation Project geological hazard assessment comprehensive zoning map and no relocation implementation.

"No money to build a house, you can live the original house, the money can be exchanged with other villagers." deputy director of the village committee, said after the agreement of exchange as long as the two are interchangeable, and the general situation in this way does not appear under dispute. This 2003 relocation "housing dangerous and more difficult in the middle of the street and the number of households may have less ability to negotiate the exchange building of households" approach similar.

No money, no house, originally opened Cheung Mo village has not been a clear answer. A color in the village in 2003 when dangerous move, a group of villagers can not afford to build a house, now dilapidated relocation, there are still some villagers can not afford to build new houses.

"Before I moved I did not move, and now let me move, I have no money to move up." One villager said, because the house was demolished Murakami sold not get the money. Relocation is just moved around in the village, the village moved slightly lower at A color beneath the river from higher-lying areas, and now he will then move, because in the past the house and into a dangerous tone. A color colors village A village team leader Guru Lian describes the relocation of villagers need to remove the old dilapidated moved into a new house, but also all the money has been paid, and talking to village or village group to sign a contract, village groups will be receive payment of subsidies to continue. "We have photos of this relocation of contract performance, unlike the original, and they turned out to be dangerous, or transferred to tune to tune in on the dangerous."

Villagers Chang Yun-hong had pointed to his side housing newer two-story said that this is his house lived, and the room is the former owner built a new house, is now being classified as dangerous,Chaussure nike air max, but also relocated .

Currently, the Arab villages and color Cheung Mo opened again as the relocation of villagers still need ten households, they do not know where this will move, will be a safe place.